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In order to better assess your situation please fill out the following questionnaire.
I am
a. If you’re a buyer, did you perform a pre-inspection report?
b. Subsequent to your purchase, did you perform any renovations regarding the property?
If yes, please elaborate:
c. Who performed these renovations?
d. If a contractor performed the renovations, kindly provide his/her name and contact details:
e. What was the value of the renovations performed?
Are you a professional in real estate, conducting real estate activities on a daily or weekly basis?
Date property was purchased on:
Municipality of the property:
Address of the property:
Sale price of the property:
Year the building was constructed:
Type of housing:
Was the property sold with legal warranty?
What is the nature of the latent defect?
If other please specify:
If you have received any legal procedures, please attached the documents to the following form or fax them to us at the following number: (514) 564-3380.
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