If a tenant abandons the commercial premises, the following are the steps to be taken to enforce his rights and prevent further losses and consequences due to the tenant’s action.
The word "codicil" is an expression from notarial practice, referring to provisions amending an earlier will or containing clarifications or new provisions that were not in the original deed.
By operation of law, residential leases will renew at the end of their term. Nevertheless, the landlord may evict its tenant under specific circumstances accounted for in the law.
An essential principle which derives from property law is the prescription of immovables and movables. This concept branches out in 2 subcategories: acquisitive and extinctive prescription.
In 9004-2243 Québec inc. c. Centre sportif St-Eustache inc. et Jean-Guy Mathers, the Honourable Robert Mongeon condemns Defendants to pay Plaintiff, a legal person, moral damages in the amount of [...]
In 9004-2243 Québec inc. c. Centre sportif St-Eustache inc. et Jean-Guy Mathers, the Honourable Robert Mongeon condemns Defendants to pay Plaintiff, a legal person, moral damages in the amount of [...]